Behind the Scenes



Behind the Scenes

Love of Books

Helen discovered the magic of books and stories at an early age. For every problem she encounters, she turns to books for the answers. In stressful times, books are her refuge. And in tedious moments, books bring her joy. So when her career as an early education teacher began, she used books to build a close-knit community and to connect with her students. Helen has passed her love of books on to hundreds of children over her two decades of teaching. When she became a parent, she inspired that love of reading in her own child. Now she helps other caregivers do the same.

Inspiration behind LitSteps

Though Helen left the classroom to pursue a creative career, her passion for teaching children remained.  Using her passion for books and literacy as inspiration, Helen now creates literacy resources for young learners. Helen's background in Fine Arts, creative writing, and early education all converged. LitSteps is the result.

Teaching Literacy

Over the years, Helen has taught children of all ages, abilities, and from diverse backgrounds. She's helped struggling readers, English language learners, special needs children, and at or above grade level readers achieve their reading goals and discover the magic in books and stories.

Helen's Journey...


Helen grew up in New York City. She was born to immigrant parents and went to a Greek-American school from Kindergarten through middle school. She went on to get her high school diploma at the Bronx High School of Science. She studied at SUNY Albany and got her undergraduate degree in English Literature and Fine Arts, While she was pursuing her next degree in advertising and marketing at the Fashion Institute of Technology she realized something. She loved education. That was when she decided to become a teacher. Armed with a Master's degree in Early Childhood Education from New York University, Helen spent the next twenty odd years teaching for Fairfax County Public Schools in Northern Virginia. During those years, Helen never lost her passion for learning. She attended both the Reading and Writing Institutes at the Teacher's College, Columbia University where she furthered her studies of early literacy.



Helen and her husband have one son. Books and a shared love of stories cemented their close relationship early on. They continue to be a source of wonder and inspiration to her. She also has two dogs who cuddle up next to her while she reads long into the night.



Helen has taught Pre-K, Kindergarten, First grade, Third grade, Fourth grade, English Language Learners, Special Education students, Reading, and was a Pre-K through Sixth grade Art. This varied experience has given her a deep understanding of literacy stages and develpoment.  Her belief that all children deserve a quality literacy education that both inspires and enhances their lives is the driving force behind LitSteps.



If Helen had to describe herself using one word it would be ECLECTIC. She values individuality, creativity, and connection above all else. She studied fine arts and creative writing in college and has spent countless hours pursuing both. Helen now spends most of her time writing and illustrating for children. Her vibrant and playful illustrations are featured throughout LitSteps products. To see more of her illustrations please visit Helen Deasy's Illustration Portfolio.



You may be wondering how the Piglits got starring roles in the LitSteps World. During Helen's first year as a Kindergarten teacher one of her students gave her an adorable stuffed pig. Of course, she immediately put it on display. Before the school year was out, more pigs magically began appearing on her desk. Pigs of all sizes and kinds were enthusiastically added to the display. Her pig collection grew and grew over her many years of teaching. Though she has since gifted most of those pigs to the children in her life, she's held on to that very first pig. The Piglits symbolize her dedication to inspiring young children through literacy. She also thinks pigs are cute in addition to being clever!