Literacy Skills Guide

Guide your child on the road to literacy. Get instant access to our FREE Literacy Skills Guide.

Literacy Roadmap

Help your child navigate the road to literacy. Get instant access to our FREE Literacy Roadmap.

Reading Ritual

A routine is when you repeat an activity regularly without putting much thought into it. A ritual is when you infuse a repeated activity with purpose and meaning. Developing a reading ritual is the first step to teaching your child other literacy skills.

Literacy 101

These are the most common stages your child will take on the road to literacy. Like navigating any roadmap, plan for stops, detours, scenic byways, and naps along the way. Pay close attention to the signs your child points out to you. They will help you decide when to keep going and when it’s time to pack it in for the day

Love Languages

It’s time to put your detective’s cap on, and do some investigating. Here’s a list of the five love languages and examples of ways to express them. Practice communicating in each of the languages while paying close attention to how your child reacts.

Teaching Your Child

You have the leading role in the stories your child sees unfolding each day. Play to your audience. Notice what makes them laugh or cry. Pay attention to the things they dread and the things they run towards. Then give them more of the things that light them up.

Inspiring Your Child

Look for inspirational moments or characters in the stories you read with together. Point out life-changing events in the movies you watch. Tell your child inspirational stories about characters or people you admire. You and your child are the main characters in your stories. Recall the big moments in your own lives.

Making Art

We all begin as creative beings. And most of us strive to include creativity in our lives. We connect with art, music, photography, theater, and design because it makes us feel a certain way. Helping your child express themselves through creative pursuits gives them a voice and emotional outlet.

Learning Tools

Teaching your child to use tools properly will ensure that they’re safe and comfortable when they are doing activities that require them. Once they enter school, they will be expected to use these tools independently and on a daily basis.

Learning to Sort

Your child has been learning to identify items by color, shape, and size. Then they learned how to match objects that were similar. Now it’s time to put that knowledge to the test. Children can now practice their abilities by sorting objects in different ways using their attributes.