Literacy Skills Guide

Help your child navigate the road to literacy. Get instant access to our FREE Literacy Skills Guide.

Literacy 101

These are the most common stages your child will take on the road to literacy. Like navigating any roadmap, plan for stops, detours, scenic byways, and naps along the way. Pay close attention to the signs your child points out to you. They will help you decide when to keep going and when it’s time to pack it in for the day

Learning Colors

There’s a reason primary education puts a lot of focus on teaching colors. The world is a colorful place. Tap into your child’s sense of sight. Teach your child colors so they have words to describe their world to you.

Skills Intro

Your child needs to take small literacy steps and climb steep literacy hills before they scale literacy mountains. They need to train daily, building their literacy muscles little by little. You are their trainer and guide; keeping pace and cheering them on.